New AFPA Video Unveils Essentials We Can't Live Without

The Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) has launched a candid new video that demonstrates the importance of the essential and sustainable products our sector creates, Chief Executive Officer of AFPA, Diana Hallam said today.

"This video Try living without Aussie timber and paper is the latest development in AFPA's 2025 Federal Election Campaign following the launch of our policy Platform Australian Timber. Australia's Future, new billboards in key forestry battleground electorates and the website to counter disinformation being spread about the forestry sector," Diana Hallam said.

"It's a comedic and quirky video with AFPA staff acting out each scene - but it has a serious message about what life would be like without us. It should serve as a reminder to everyone and particularly our sector's detractors about how important we are.

ABOVE: Screenshot from video.

"Whether it's timber to build your house, cardboard boxes, furniture or even toilet paper - there is so much our sector is responsible for that we literally cannot live without. We need a strong forest products sector supply chain to ensure we have sovereign capability in timber and wood-fibre, can fight climate change at scale and provide employment for thousands of Australians.

"While there are substitutes for the products we need in our daily lives, none are as climate friendly, renewable and sustainable as those originating from timber and wood-fibre. I hope this video can continue to help educate everyone about the importance of Australian forestry," Diana Hallam concluded.

Watch the video here.

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