New Appointments to International Fund for Ireland Board

UK Gov

The Irish and UK Governments have today announced new appointments to the Board of the International Fund for Ireland.

Earlier today, the Irish and United Kingdom Governments announced new appointments to the Board of the International Fund for Ireland.

The appointments are:

  • Ms Shona McCarthy, Chair
  • Ms Janet McConkey,
  • Ms Katy Hayward,
  • Ms Anne Conaghan
  • Ms Anne Carr,
  • Ms Angila Chada,
  • Mr Bill Pauley,

In announcing these appointments, the two governments expressed their very warm appreciation for the services given by the outgoing Board Members whose term of office had ended. Particular thanks are due to Mr Paddy Harte who has shown exceptional leadership of the Board through his service as Chairman during the past six years.


The International Fund for Ireland is an international organisation established by the Irish and British Governments in 1986 with the objectives of promoting economic and social advance and of encouraging contact, dialogue and reconciliation between Unionists and Nationalists throughout Ireland. Contributors to the Fund have included the United States of America, the European Union, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Irish and UK Governments. Ms Anne Carr and Ms Anne Conaghan, who were Members of the previous Board, have been re- appointed for a further term.

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