New Appointments to Tasmanian Civil Tribunal

Tasmanian Government

Nineteen new members have been appointed to the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT), ensuring it can continue to fulfill its important role in our justice system.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Guy Barnett, said the new members bring a range of expertise and experience to their roles and will work across TASCAT's range of streams.

"On behalf of the Tasmanian Government, I would like to extend my congratulations to the new members and wish them well in their important roles with TASCAT," the Attorney-General said.

"TASCAT commenced operations in November 2021 and has proven very effective in making the administration of justice more efficient and accessible.

"Since its commencement TASCAT has seen a consistently strong caseload and continues to take on additional jurisdictions.

"We are always looking at how we can improve access to justice under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future – it is vitally important in our thriving democracy."

During 2023/24 TASCAT received 4,763 lodgements, conducted 4,124 hearings and published 226 decisions.

The appointments follow a publicly advertised expression of interest process which was conducted by an assessment panel.

The appointments include:

Full time Senior Member

Sessional Senior Members

Sessional Ordinary Legal Members

Sessional Ordinary Non-Legal Members

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