Advocating for an approach to teaching that puts learners at the centre of the learning experience, Mark Heffernan and co-author David Byrne's new book challenges the traditional approach to teaching and offers a new perspective on how to put learners at the forefront of their own education.
Heffernan explains: "The idea with overt teaching is simple – We feel our learners deserve to understand our aims so what we propose is opening the door to teaching and letting them in. Not only do learners need to be aware of what they are learning and why, but their involvement in the discussion of their own success is critical."
In this crucial new text, 'Overt Teaching: Putting Learners at the Centre of Their Learning Discussion' provides practical steps and activities that will take you on the journey from covert to overt teaching. Comprised of three main sections, the first section explores the rationale for the approach to teaching, the second section presents practical strategies, and the third section offers case studies and examples of successful implementation of the strategies in the classroom.
Discussing his latest book, Mark Heffernan said: "The traditional approach to teaching has its limitations, and it's time for educators to challenge the status quo and empower learners to take charge of their education. I hope this book will provide practical insights and strategies that can be implemented in classrooms to make learning a more engaging and rewarding experience for learners."
'Overt Teaching: Putting Learners at the Centre of Their Learning Discussion' is a must-read for anyone interested in teaching with professional development in mind, blending theory, practice, and development. 'Overt Teaching' is published by Delta Publishing and available to buy from Amazon, and Bournemouth English Book Centre.
Earlier this year Mark Heffernan and David Byrne attended the IATEFL International Conference 2023 to give a talk. In their session they gave attendees practical ideas from 'Overt Teaching' on how to set up an activity to enable effective feedback. Visit their teaching blog Texploitation - An EFL site dedicated to using texts to their full potential in the classroom.