New Chair Named for Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

Ottawa, Ontario, February 21st , 2024 - Today, the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, announced the selection of Marie Campagna as Chair of Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) Board of Directors. Ms. Campagna has been a member of the WDBA Board of Directors since 2017 and has most recently served in the role of interim Chair since May 2024.

Ms. Campagna has over 40 years of progressive experience in the public and private sectors. Her career has been rooted in finance and operational support and spanned many sectors including healthcare, automotive, logistics and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Ms. Campagna is a strategic financial management professional who was the former Chief Financial Officer & Vice President at the Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare.

Ms. Campagna was identified as part of an open, transparent and merit-based selection process which encouraged applications from individuals with leadership experience at the senior executive level in a private or public sector organization; working with a board of directors; building and maintaining strong teams; managing and delivering major infrastructure projects through public-private partnerships, including those related to transportation; engaging collaboratively with public, private and international partners, and promoting operational readiness.

WDBA, a Crown corporation, is mandated with the delivery and oversight of The Gordie Howe International Bridge, planned to open in fall 2025. Situated along the busiest commercial land border crossing between Canada and the United States (Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan), the bridge will support the flow of goods and travelers and improve the efficiency, safety, and security of cross-border movement.

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