New Citizen Science Campaign: Livestock & Grasslands


Want to contribute to the European Union's climate neutrality target but not sure how? Join the latest Picture Pile campaign as part of IIASA's LAMASUS project. Help us to identify livestock and grassland management practices from photographs, which will be used to validate a new geodatabase on land use management.

When? Now until the end of the summer 2025

Where? Via your browser or using the Picture Pile mobile app

Since 2022, IIASA has been leading the Horizon Europe funded LAMASUS project (Land Management for Sustainability). This project brings together 17 partners from 8 European countries, all working towards a shared goal: developing a new governance model to improve land use practices across Europe. One key result will be an open-access modeling toolbox, designed to help policymakers evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of different policies.

One of the main outputs of the project is a high-resolution geodatabase on land use management, which will be used to determine the environmental and socio-economic impacts of land use policies in the European Union. The development of the geodatabase has been led by the NODES

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