New DASCH Centre Boosts Sustainability in Winnipeg

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada

The newly acquired DASCH Centre will benefit from renovations after an investment of $8 million from the federal government.

This was announced by the Honourable Dan Vandal, Member of Parliament for Saint Boniface-Saint Vital; Ben Carr, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Centre; and Karen Fonseth, Chief Executive Officer of DASCH Incorporated.

DASCH Incorporated is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by fostering inclusivity and providing meaningful programs that fulfill their individual physical, emotional, social, and educational needs.

Funding will support a significant expansion to a recently purchased DASCH building on Buffalo Place in Winnipeg. The upgrades will increase the square footage to introduce community spaces, modernize the interior, improve accessibility, and integrate environmentally friendly features, creating a more inclusive and sustainable building.

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