Roger Jaensch,Minister for Housing
Elise Archer,Minister for Building and Construction
Every Tasmanian needs a roof over their head and the Tasmanian Government is continuing to boost the supply of new homes, right around the State.
A new sub-division in Blackmans Bay will include 26 new two-bedroom social housing and private dwellings for Tasmanians in need, including designs catering for older people and those with disability.
Minister for Housing Roger Jaensch said the Government's $3.5 million investment in these homes form part of its $100 million commitment to increase the supply of social and affordable housing in Tasmania.
"Our record investment into housing is delivering more homes for Tasmanians, in all areas of the State, with the site for these homes identified from the EOI process to build up to 1000 new homes over the next three years," Minister Jaensch said.
"We remain on track to deliver up to 1,500 new social housing dwellings by June 2023, with the EOI identifying many new supply projects across the State, with some significantly progressed with design work complete and approved development applications in place.
"I want to especially thank the Presentation Sisters, who have a long history in Tasmania of helping people in poverty and those experiencing homelessness and housing stress, and who gifted the land where the new homes will be located.
"I thank them for their service and their extraordinary generosity as we continue to assist Tasmanians into housing."
Construction is forecast to begin in May 2021, with practical completion set for July 2022.
Minister for Building and Construction Elise Archer said the build would provide more work for our vital building and construction sector.
"New projects like this will not only provide housing for those in need, but will also stimulate our economy and create jobs, with $570 million in total economic activity already in place across the State and more to come," Minister Archer said.
"Our building and construction sector is booming, with the number of construction loans in January was nearly triple the number 12 months earlier before the pandemic, and was higher than the national growth over the same period.
"We are backing the sector and encouraging further growth by continuing to roll out projects right around the State that will create jobs and provide more housing for Tasmanians that need it."