New Director Appointed at Grains Research Corp

Dept of Agriculture

The appointment of the newest Grains Research and Development Corporations (GRDC) board member has been announced, with Mr Andrew Earle to join the Board of GRDC as a non-executive director.

Mr Earle has previously served as a Board member of Grains Australia, and as Deputy Chair of Grain Producers Australia. Mr Earle has also served as a presiding member of the GRDC selection committee from 2017-2022.

GRDC plays an important role in the grains industry, investing in research, development and extension (RD&E) to create enduring profitability for Australian grain growers.

As a South Queensland farmer and grain grower, Mr Earle brings a depth of knowledge on the inner workings of the grains industry from his more than 20 years' experience.

Mr Earle joins the GRDC Board along with:

  • Mrs Sharon Starick - Chairperson
  • Mr Robert (Bob) Nixon - Deputy Chairperson
  • Ms Kellie Benda - Director
  • Mr Shaun Coffey - Director
  • Mr Richard Heath - Director
  • Ms Natalie Sommerville - Director
  • Ms Belinda (Bindi) Turner - Director.
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