New Director City Performance Announced

Following the outcomes of a broad recruitment process that attracted a range of high calibre candidates, Council is pleased to announce that Katie Buckman has secured the executive leadership role of Director City Performance at Shoalhaven City Council.

A chartered accountant with more than 20 years' experience, Ms Buckman joined Council in 2023 as CFO and has been instrumental in steering Council on a path to financial sustainability.

Acting CEO James Ruprai said the Director City Performance role was critical to the efficient running of Council services, overseeing around 150 personnel covering departments such as customer service, IT, human resources, governance, legal and financial services.

"Ms Buckman showcased her incredible leadership, technical acumen and ability to tackle the role for the benefit of our ratepayers and residents through the challenges Council is facing now and into the future," Mr Ruprai said.

"With a proven track record in senior management at KPMG and as a CFO in local government, Katie's technical skills and brave decision making will ensure that Council is on the right track to improve our financial circumstances," he said.

"I'm thrilled that Katie is taking on this new challenge and I know she will continue to be a valuable asset to the Council and the Executive Leadership Team."

The role of Director City Performance reports into the CEO, making it one of the most senior roles at Council. Key responsibilities involve strategic oversight of corporate services and governance, finance, human resources, work health and safety, as well as leading and motivating this high-performing team.

Ms Buckman's experience in accounting, audit and advisory is complemented by her work in senior leadership roles for over a decade, leading and mentoring teams, providing insightful advice on technical accounting issues and continually identifying areas of process improvements. The skills she will bring to the Director role will be a welcome addition to the future of Shoalhaven City Council.

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