New facilities for students at Chairo Christian School

Staff and students at Chairo Christian School in Nar Nar Goon will benefit from a new Senior School Centre, funded as part of the Morrison Government's Capital Grants Program.

The centre includes new multi-purpose learning areas, spaces where students can work in groups, new change rooms and an outdoor performance space.

Minister for Education and Youth, Alan Tudge and Member for La Trobe, Jason Wood officially opened the Senior School Centre today.

"These new, top-quality facilities will make a real difference for the students and teachers at Chairo Christian School, as well as the wider school community," Minister Tudge said.

"The Morrison Government has invested $655,000 into this project to give hundreds of students in Nar Nar Goon access to the best possible learning experience, so they have the best chance to succeed.

"The project is part of our record funding for all Australian schools and will benefit not just current students, but those who study at Chairo Christian School for years to come."

Member for La Trobe Jason Wood said the contemporary learning facilities would equip students with the skills to be successful both during and after school.

"It was a pleasure to visit Chairo Christian School to see the new facilities and hear about the positive impact it will have on the entire school community," Jason Wood said.

"We are giving these local students the best possible chance to reach their full potential at school and go on to further study or into a job."

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