New Free Virtual Health Service Launches in NSW Coast

​The Minns Labor Government has expanded a new free virtual healthcare service to the Central Coast.

Residents from the Central Coast local health district will be able to access free and safe virtual care for non-life threatening conditions, right from the comfort of their own home.

This virtual care service will provide care for urgent but non-life threatening illnesses or injuries including:

  • ​Coughs, colds, fevers and flu;
  • Respiratory symptoms;
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea; or
  • Minor infections and rashes.

The service will be available between 8am and 10pm seven days a week for people aged 16 years and older.

You can access this service by phoning HealthDirect on 1800 022 222 where patients will first speak to a registered nurse who will assess your condition, and if appropriate, refer you to the virtual care service.

The service uses video conferencing technology to connect patients with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, including doctors and nurses, where clinically appropriate.

Virtual care forms part of a broader range of measures to relieve pressure on the state's busy EDs, including:

  • ​​$100 million investment for a further two years to continue our urgent care services, providing a pathway to care outside of our hospitals for an estimated 114,000 patients;
  • $70 million over 4 years to expand emergency department short stay units to improve patient flow to reduce ED wait times by nearly 80,000 hours;
  • $15.1 million for an Ambulance Matrix that provides real time hospital data to enable paramedics to transport patients to emergency departments with greater capacity and reducing wait times;
  • $31.4 million over 4 years to increase Hospital in the Home across the state allowing over 3,500 additional patients each year to be cared for in their home rather than a hospital bed; and
  • $53.9 million to improve patient flow and support discharge planning by identifying patients early that are suitable to be discharged home with the appropriate supports in place.​

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Ryan Park:

​"We are announcing that virtual care for non-life threatening conditions is now available to local residents.

"This virtual care service is a free, convenient and safe way to access care right from the comfort of home.

"People from right across our local health district will be able to avoid for a wait for a GP or in a hospital through this expanded virtual care service.

"It will relieve pressure on our busy emergency departments by creating more alternative pathways to care outside the hospital."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Central Coast David Harris:

"It is becoming increasingly difficult to access and afford a GP which has led to increased pressure on our already busy emergency departments in Central Coast's hospitals having to deal with non-emergencies.

"It is crucial that we alleviate pressure from our emergency departments, and we know that alternative services like this virtual healthcare service is a step in the right direction.

"Free services like this ensure the growing Central Coast community has access to essential healthcare from the comfort of their home."

Quotes attributable to Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch:

"We know that in our community, difficulty in accessing or affording a GP has placed a significant strain on our emergency departments, with individuals forced to seek care for non-emergency conditions normally treated by a GP.

"The expansion of this free virtual health service to the Central Coast is so important to our local community, who will now be able to access care from the comfort of your home. This announcement will relieve pressure on our busy emergency departments, making care accessible and affordable for our community.

"This announcement also complements the expansion of the innovative virtualKIDS Urgent Care Service announced in 2023, providing Central Coast families with access to the right care, when they need it most."

Quotes attributable to Member for The Entrance David Mehan:

"This free virtual health care service is yet another way to access urgent but non-life threatening care for illnesses or injuries simply by calling HealthDirect on 1800 022 222.

"Rather than waiting to make an appointment with a GP or going to hospital, you now have an additional option, if appropriate, for health care services right in the comfort of your own home."

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