New Free Virtual Health Service Opens To All Of Sydney


Today, the Minns Labor Government has expanded a new free virtual healthcare service to all Sydney residents.

Residents from Western Sydney, South West Sydney, Nepean Blue Mountains, Central Coast and the Illawarra Shoalhaven local health districts will be able to access free and safe virtual care for non-life threatening conditions, right from the comfort of their own home.

It is expected to save 85,000 people from an unnecessary wait in an emergency department each year.

This virtual care service will provide care for urgent but non-life threatening illnesses or injuries including:

  • Coughs, colds, fevers and flu;
  • Respiratory symptoms;
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea; or
  • Minor infections and rashes.

The service will be available between 8am and 10pm seven days a week for people aged 16 years and older.

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