New Grant Opportunity To Protect Migrant Workers

The Australian Government has today launched a $13.25m grant program to enable a 'Protecting Migrant Workers - Information and Education' package to educate temporary visa holders and their employers about workplace rights and responsibilities.​

These rights and responsibilities fall under the Migration Act, which includes recent reforms that strengthen migrant worker protections.

Home Affairs Assistant Secretary Compliance and Community Protection Policy, Ms Zoë Moses, said: "Information and education plays and important role in achieving compliance, addressing exploitation and upholding the integrity of Australia's migration system."

"This grant program is an opportunity to educate temporary visa holders and their employers about recent reforms to address migrant worker exploitation.

"These reforms include new criminal offences, higher penalties for exploiting migrant workers, and a power to prohibit employers who have engaged in serious, deliberate or repeated migrant worker exploitation from employing any additional migrant workers for a period of time.

"The Government has also legislated reporting protections, and introduced a visa pilot allowing temporary extension of stay for exploited workers to pursue workplace justice."

The Government is seeking applications from state/territory-wide organisations with the expertise to deliver accessible education to migrant workers and employers.

The grant program is open from today, with applications closing on 28 April 2025.

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