More than $2 million in grants has been awarded to almost 200 ex-service organisations which have been supporting veterans throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the financial support had been made possible through two Anzac Day Trust programs, one of which is available for the first time.
"The well-being of veterans is an important priority of my Government," the Premier said.
"That's why we made a commitment at the 2020 election for an additional $1 million to support ex-service organisations assisting veterans affected by COVID-19.
"This new funding also helps cover costs of staging COVID-safe events."
Almost $680,000 has been awarded to 68 ex-service organisations in this round of the new Anzac Day Trust COVID-19 Grants Program.
They include RSL sub-branches and Legacy branches from Burleigh to North Queensland, and organisations focussed on supporting female veterans and veterans with a disability.
As well as the new COVID-19 funding program, more than $1.4 million in Anzac Day Trust Grants has been awarded to 186 ex-service organisations to assist them with continuing to support veterans and their families.
Assistant Minister to the Premier for Veterans Affairs Bart Mellish said the program helps organisations which provide invaluable welfare and support for ex-service men and women, and their families.
"The Palaszczuk Government is proud to support these groups which do such amazing work for veterans and their communities across Queensland," he said.
"These grants help ex-service organisations with everything from mowing veterans' lawns, to assisting them with food and household bills, and hosting important commemorative activities."
A full list of recipients of Anzac Day Trust funding can be found at Anzac Day Trust Grants Programs.
The next rounds of both Anzac Day Trust grants programs will open in 2022.
To read the Anzac Day Trust Fund eligibility guidelines, or to apply for a grant, visit the Queensland Veterans' Portal at