New Gravel Surface Improves Jacksons Creek Road

Ararat Rural Council has completed important road renewal works on a key rural route, demonstrating its commitment to road infrastructure improvements.

A key section of Jacksons Creek Road, spanning just past the railway crossing to Logan Road, has been re-sheeted with new gravel to improve driving quality and make it safer for vehicles to travel on.

Gravel re-sheeting is a common road maintenance practice used for unsealed roads, particularly in rural areas. It involves adding a new layer of gravel to repair damage to the road surface, such as potholes and corrugations.

Re-sheeting can also significantly extend the life of an unsealed road, decreasing the need for further maintenance or road reconstruction.

This project was supported by Council's Capital Works Program, as part of the Urban Road and Laneway Sealing initiative.

"Ensuring that our rural roads are well maintained is crucial for our community and agricultural sector," says Ararat Rural City Council CEO, Dr Tim Harrison.

"Council will continue to prioritise road infrastructure improvements that support the growth of our local economy."

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