New Health Platform Holds First Steering Committee

Yesterday the Health Impact Investment Platform (HIIP) held its inaugural Steering Committee meeting, marking a significant milestone in advancing innovative financing for global health. As the Platform's highest decision-making body, the Committee – consisting of representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Investment Bank, and the Islamic Development Bank – reviewed progress, endorsed key governance and operational priorities, and provided strategic guidance on HIIP's efforts to expand primary health care (PHC) services in low- and middle-income countries. The meeting represents a significant step forward in advancing sustainable financing solutions for global health.

The HIIP was unveiled during the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris in 2023, and is a landmark partnership between WHO, multilateral development banks and beneficiary countries. Amid a US$ 371 billion annual health financing gap for health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a US$ 31.1 billion annual funding requirement for pandemic preparedness, the Platform innovates multilateral solutions to increase the share of development funding going to the health sector. Integrating technical expertise, financial resources and local knowledge into impactful, country-driven investments in vulnerable communities, the Platform has mobilized over US$ 30 million of investment for WHO to support countries in developing prioritized investment plans for potential support from MDBs and donors.

The Platform aims to use these plans to generate over US$1.5 billion funding for low- and middle-income country governments to build resilience against pandemic threats and the climate crisis.

"Primary health care is the cornerstone of equitable, cost-effective, and inclusive health systems," said Catharina Boehme, Assistant Director-General at the World Health Organization. "The Health Impact Investment Platform is a transformative initiative to mobilize financing for climate-adaptive and crisis-resilient primary health care in the countries that need it most. WHO is proud to partner with multilateral development banks and countries to ensure these funds deliver tangible impact for the communities we serve."

The First Steering Committee builds on months of progress since the Platform's official launch in September 2024, with early-stage engagements in more than 10 countries. During the meeting, Committee members approved key operational documents for the platform, reviewed Concept Notes developed to operationalize primary health care investments in Burundi, The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Morocco and Zambia and formally approved the Proposal for Action in Ethiopia, unlocking funding to support the finalization of its national PHC investment plan. Members reinforced the platform's core focus on scaling primary health care investments, accelerating progress toward universal health coverage, and strengthening health system resilience in low- and middle-income countries.

Issa Faye, Director General of Global Practice and Partnerships noted, "We are committed to catalyzing impactful, sustainable investments that strengthen health systems in low- and middle-income countries. Today's discussions reaffirmed our shared vision and commitment to scaling up investment in primary health care, ensuring that no country is left behind in achieving universal health coverage and pandemic preparedness."

The next Steering Committee meeting will convene on the margins of the Seventy-Eighth World Health Assembly (19–27 May 2025), where progress on Ethiopia's investment plan and new country engagements will be reviewed.

Thomas Östros, Vice President at the European Investment Bank and the newly appointed Chair of the Steering Committee emphasized, "The Health Impact Investment Platform is a unique opportunity to bridge the health financing gap and drive sustainable investments where they are most needed. As we look ahead to the next Steering Committee, our focus remains on turning commitments into action. We call on all stakeholders to join us in expanding access to quality primary health care, ensuring that investments today translate into stronger, more resilient health systems for the future."

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