New High School Site Chosen as Land Preserved

SA Gov

The Malinauskas Labor Government has identified a 10-hectare parcel of land in Adelaide's growing northern suburbs as the site of a new $155.3 million secondary school due for completion in 2028.

The development comes as the State Government locks in a policy of land preservation for key infrastructure including schools, hospitals and transport corridors through the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan (GARP).

The school site, currently a fenced area of vacant land at the corner of Andrews and Petherton roads at Eyre, will soon be the home of a new state of the art, architecturally designed Year 7-12 school.

The school will be a vital piece of infrastructure to support the growing population of the region, with capacity for up to 1300 students.

The GARP details 82,000 new homes will be built in the Outer North over the next 30 years.

Through development of the GARP, the Government has worked closely with all Government departments and utility providers to ensure suitable land within newly identified growth areas will be preserved for key infrastructure – including health, transport and education.

Securing these sites early in the planning process provides greater certainty to growing communities and is generally cheaper compared to when it is done after people move into an area.

The State Government will use the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act to reserve land and streamline approval processes for infrastructure through the creation of an infrastructure reserve.

Today's announcement follows the State Government also committing a record $1.5 billion to expand the water and sewer network, through the Housing Roadmap, with the majority to go to building new houses across the northern growth front.

This is an exciting opportunity for these communities, with future schools to draw upon the latest in education practices, providing a secondary pathway for students in Adelaide's north as well as supporting the forecast community growth.

Construction on the new school is due to begin later this year.

As put by Peter Malinauskas

This school is a demonstration of the Government's commitment to deliver high quality educational facilities for our children now and into the future.

But one school is not enough.

We know the north of Adelaide is growing strongly now and will continue to do so well into the future.

That's why through the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan we are adopting a policy of reserving land for key infrastructure – hospitals, schools, roads, railways.

By securing this land early, we can reduce costs, and provide long term certainty for communities.

As put by Blair Boyer

The Malinauskas Labor Government has a 20-Year infrastructure plan for schools which includes a program of work for new schools based on population growth and enrolment pressure.

The new northern school is part of that plan to support growth in Adelaide's north, along with dedicating $15 million to Virginia Primary School and Preschool to address capacity pressures and ensure the buildings support modern learning for the growing community.

As put by Nick Champion

Planning for our future starts today and this new school will be an important addition to the local area.

The new school will be a community asset, designed to ensure they are meeting the needs of students and their families for years to come.

In future developments, we need to ensure we have the appropriate spaces for community infrastructure such as transport, education and health – and ensure they are designed in a strategic way that complements the local neighbourhoods.

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