A new licence agreement has been signed between Council and the Healesville Living and Learning Centre which will relocate the administrative part of the organisation to the Healesville Community Link.
Vicky King, President of the Healesville Living and Learning Centre said this is a great opportunity to enable the organisation to grow and develop their services for the community.
"We're really pleased to be able to take up this offer from Council to relocate the coordination and community development part of our service to the Link buildings. As a non-profit organisation the current very old houses that is the base for this side of our work is less than ideal. HLLC and Yarra Ranges Council share a commitment to building social connection and creating opportunities for people from all walks of life to participate.
"This new location has meant that we are able to save some of our much-needed funds so we can plough them back into providing services and events for the Healesville community and we will be closer to some of our partners such as the Eastern Community Legal Centre and the library," says Vicky.
While the coordination part of the Healesville Living and Learning Centre (HLLC) is moving to the Healesville Community Link, programs and activities will continue to operate from the current site which includes the Women's Shed initiative, Art and Minds and a variety of computer, planting and writing courses to name a few.
Ryrie Ward Councillor Fiona McAllister said the move will help strengthen connections with the community and open up new opportunities. Council has been pleased to work with HLCC to find and support this new central location for the coordination functions, enabling continuity of the valuable service and programs of HLLC.
"This move will enable the HLLC to increase their offerings and by having an accessible and central location it will also help provide residents seeking support and engagement.
"The HLLC offers a vital service to our community by connecting people and providing opportunities to learn and contribute to their local community through social, educational and recreational activities.
"We are excited about the opportunities that come with this new location situated alongside ECLC, the Memo and the library. It should allow for a stronger support network for the community," said Cr McAllister.
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