WorkSafe has developed infographics on psychosocial risks in the high-risk sectors of agriculture, construction, forestry, and manufacturing, as well as psychosocial risks that affect all New Zealand workers.
Mental health is an important workplace health and safety issue. Businesses have a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act to manage both physical and psychosocial risks.
Psychosocial risks arise from poor work design and challenges in the social and physical environment, and they may result in negative psychological, physical, and social outcomes.
These infographics help businesses to easily find and understand data on psychosocial risks relevant to their industry. Sharing information like this is part of our engagement function, to empower businesses and workers to improve health and safety practice.
The infographics collate existing data into an easily digestible format. The data is from WorkSafe's workforce segmentation and insights surveys, New Zealand psychosocial survey, work-related suicide report, and mentally healthy work concerns notified to WorkSafe.
The following information is available about each sector:
- Psychological harm
- Self-rated health
- Work-related suicides and significant work-related stressors
- Offensive behaviours such as bullying and threats of violence
- Policies around bullying, harassment, and violence
- Protective factors
- Mentally healthy work concerns that WorkSafe has received
- Employer attitudes
- Employers' health and safety maturity, perceptions, and practices.
View the psychosocial risks infographics