Chalmers, University of Gothenburg, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, KTH and RISE have joined forces to invest in and operate the Kristineberg marine research station under the name Kristineberg Center for Marine Research and Innovation. The goal of the new agreement is for Kristineberg Center to become one of Europe's leading marine research and innovation environments. "Kristineberg is an important infrastructure for Chalmers. Together with our partners, we ensure that Kristineberg Center continues to be a leading infrastructure for research linked to the global challenge of sustainable seas and coasts. Chalmers research can make a big difference and benefit through technology development in marine application areas," says the President of Chalmers, Stefan Bengtsson.
New major investment in marine research
Chalmers University of Technology
At Kristineberg, a range of projects are already being conducted in a number of marine areas. Some of them include developing new materials and foods from the sea. Others relate to the impact of the climate on marine life and include both underwater robots and digital technology.
Through the new agreement, the parties will together develop the research and innovation environment based on the needs of society and in harmony with other environments.
Kristineberg Center will offer research infrastructure, test and demonstration facilities and laboratories as well as opportunities for meetings, training and workplaces. The center will be an open and inclusive marine research and innovation environment for academia, education, companies, authorities, organizations and individuals. The idea is that the mutual influence breeds ideas, new knowledge and new collaborations.
Erik Ytreberg is a senior researcher in Maritime Studies at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences. Over the years, his and his research colleagues' involvement at Kristineberg's center has mainly focused on studying the effects of boat bottom paints and so-called scrubber water, ie water from washing ship exhaust fumes, on the marine environment. And Erik was more than pleased as he received the news about the increased investment in the center.
"Kristineberg and its infrastructure have been central to our work and have enabled unique long-term studies on, for example, the effectiveness and environmental impact of antifouling paints, as well as ecotoxicological studies on the effects of scrubber water on the marine environment. The new agreement is important to our work and will facilitate continued research projects and collaborations," says Erik Ytreberg.
The agreement between the parties runs for five years and the University of Gothenburg will host Kristineberg Center. The center is organized as a national research infrastructure where several parties collaborate on governance and planning - something that also enables the involvement of more public actors.
"I have high hopes. The goal is for Kristineberg Center to become one of Europe's leading marine research and innovation environments," says Eva Wiberg, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg.
The center will also contribute to strengthening the development of a sustainable blue economy and increase Swedish attractiveness and competitiveness.
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