Vincenzo Vagnoni is the new spokesperson of the LHCb experiment
On 1 July 2023, a new spokesperson, Vincenzo Vagnoni (INFN Bologna), and two deputies, Patrick Robbe (CNRS/IN2P3 and University of Paris-Saclay) and Ulrich Uwer (Heidelberg University), took over at the helm of the LHCb collaboration for the coming three years. They succeed an outgoing management team composed of former spokesperson Chris Parks (University of Manchester) and former deputy Matteo Palutan (INFN).
Vincenzo, Patrick and Ulrich will lead LHCb through a crucial period during which the performance of the upgraded detector will be demonstrated. This new detector, which was recently installed, will increase the beauty and charm particle data sample for many channels by an order of magnitude, and is now starting its physics data-taking period. In parallel, the new management team will oversee the finalisation of the project laying out future improvements, known as Upgrade II.