New McGrath Nurses Boost Breast Cancer Care Access


The Minns Labor Government has completed the recruitment of 23 additional McGrath Breast Cancer Care Nurses who have cared for thousands of patients and their families.

It comes a year since the government announced its $18.6 million investment into more of these specially trained nurses.

Over 4,350 patients and their families have been cared for by these nurses since July 2023.

An additional six placements will commence from July this year.

The investment also goes towards and builds on the work of 16 of these nurses already working for NSW Health.

These nurses have been deployed across Sydney as well as regional NSW.

The specially trained McGrath Breast Cancer Care Nurses provide free care and support by being a key point of contact for people and their families during breast cancer treatment.

They are trusted, consistent, and knowledgeable.

They can explain complicated aspects of treatment to those diagnosed, during what can be an incredibly stressful period.

The support of a McGrath Breast Cancer Care Nurse is free and available without a doctor's referral.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Ryan Park:

"These specially trained nurses can make a big difference to women and men, and their families during one of the most anxious experiences.

"During such a challenging time, it's important to have a familiar face who understands what patients and their families are going through, not just clinically, but emotionally.

"We're so pleased to be able to offer this additional, free, breast cancer support for people across the state."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Women Jodie Harrison:

"We know cancer care can be complex and McGrath Breast Cancer Care Nurses can help people and their families with free, trusted and knowledgeable advice.

"McGrath Breast Cancer Care Nurses are a great source of support for their patients, and their families. They do incredible work to minimise the stress and trauma which comes from a breast cancer diagnosis."

Quotes attributable to McGrath Foundation CEO Holly Masters:

"We are incredibly grateful for the support of the NSW Government which has helped ensure more people with cancer have free access to a McGrath Breast Cancer Care Nurse and benefit from their clinical, psychosocial and emotional support throughout their treatment.

"Support from our nurses greatly minimises the stress and trauma of a cancer diagnosis for both the individual and their family."

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