New Multidisciplinary Centre Opens In Shepparton

Specialist police and support services will be housed under the one roof with the opening of a new centre for victims of sexual offences, child abuse and family violence in Shepparton.

The new multidisciplinary centre - to be officially opened today - aims to provide a victim-centred, integrated and holistic response for victims.

Members of Victoria Police Executive, including Acting Chief Commissioner Rick Nugent and Eastern Region Assistant Commissioner Russell Barrett will join local partners to mark the centre's official opening.

Acting Chief Commissioner Rick Nugent said Victoria Police was proud to work in collaboration with partner agencies to deliver the new Multidisciplinary Centre, the eighth of its kind across the state.

"The Shepparton Multidisciplinary Centre has been designed to be a welcoming, safe, and confidential location for victims of family violence, sexual offences and child abuse to access dedicated care and support.

"The facility gives victims a safe space to speak to us and access the support they need.

"It also ensures we have all the right agencies working together so victims have access to appropriate and timely services."

More than 20 detectives from Victoria Police's Family Violence Investigation Units and Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Investigation Teams will work at the new facility alongside community nurses and other support workers from partner agencies.

These partner agencies include the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Australian Childhood Foundation, Centre Against Sexual Assault, Goulburn Valley Health, and Primary Care Connect.

The facility will provide victims of sexual offences, child abuse and family violence with a range of services, including counselling and advocacy support, therapeutic support and forensic medical services as well as guidance through the justice system.

Assistant Commissioner Russell Barrett said the centre was an important new resource for the Greater Shepparton area with police responding to a high volume of family violence and sexual offences each year.

"We know family violence incidents are on the rise - with police responding to more than 2200 family violence incidents in the Greater Shepparton area in the last year. This is up 28 per cent on the previous year.

"While we also continue to respond to increasing rates of sexual offences in the area - we know it remains underreported given the significant barriers victims face in seeking help.

"Figures show a six per cent rise in the number of sexual offences reported to police in the area in the last year - highlighting how important it is to have a dedicated place for victims to seek help.

"We want victims of family violence, sexual offences and child abuse to know there is help available, and facilities like the new Shepparton MDC to support them when they're ready to report."

Multidisciplinary centres are also based in Mildura, Seaford, Geelong, Dandenong, Bendigo, Morwell and Wyndham.

Victoria Police is committed to responding to all forms of family violence, sexual offences and child abuse, supporting victims and holding perpetrators to account.

If you or someone close to you discloses they are a victim of sexual offences or family violence, please believe them and encourage them to contact police or a support service.

In an emergency call Triple Zero (000). If you can't get to a phone, ask someone else to do it for you.

For more information on what Victoria Police is doing to protect victim-survivors of family violence visit

For more information on what Victoria Police is doing to protect victim-survivors of sexual offences and child abuse visit

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