New national campaign for level crossing safety
WATCH THE VIDEO: Train drivers share their collision and near-miss experiences in new National Level Crossing Campaign

Australia's largest rail freight operator, Aurizon today launched a national level crossing campaign, Respect the sign. Lives are on the line.
The campaign is told through the eyes of those directly impacted by level crossing events, especially train crew and the first responders that see the trauma and devastation caused by near-misses and collisions. Watch the video.
Together we are urging the community - motorists, truck drivers and pedestrians - to take notice of the signs at level crossings that are there for everyone's protection. Whether they are railway cross-arms, bells and flashing lights or boom gates. We are asking everyone to Respect the sign. Lives are on the line.
In launching the campaign, Aurizon's Managing Director & CEO Andrew Harding said:
"Our traincrew live in the regional communities in which our business operates. This campaign is all about making these communities safer for everyone," Mr Harding said. "By taking extra care and paying attention when approaching level crossings, people will be safer and lives could be saved.
"The campaign is told through the eyes of those directly impacted by level crossing events - our train crew and the first responders that see the trauma and devastation caused by near-misses and collisions.
"When our train drivers see a vehicle or a person on the tracks, they can't simply stop or swerve to miss. A fully-loaded train carrying freight can take two kilometres to stop, even when the emergency brakes are applied."
There are a number of contributing factors that result in level crossing incidents, and there are a range of initiatives underway to improve level crossing safety in Australia under the National Level Crossing Safety Strategy 2023-2032. This involves rail and road industries, regulators and enforcement agencies, safety advocates and government at all levels.
"Level crossing safety is a shared, collective responsibility and Aurizon is determined to play its part to support better safety for the community and our train drivers," Mr Harding said.
Photo: Andrew Harding with Toowoomba Locomotive Driver, Hayleigh at the campaign launch today.
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