New Northside Hospital Early Delivery Partner

The ACT Government's northside hospital project has taken another step forward with the appointment of Multiplex as the early delivery partner to support continued work on design and planning to enable construction commencement in this term of Government.

Following the successful delivery of the more than $640 million Canberra Hospital Expansion, the ACT Government is pleased to be partnering with Multiplex again to deliver the next stage of the northside hospital project that will transform the North Canberra Hospital campus.

This $1 billion investment will be the largest health infrastructure project ever undertaken in the ACT, delivering a new state-of-the-art hospital for Canberra's north.

A competitive tender was undertaken in 2024 to secure a contractor early in the process, building on the Early Contractor Involvement approach taken in the Canberra Hospital Expansion project.

As the successful tenderer, Multiplex will work collaboratively with the project team and ensure the best advice is available to inform infrastructure planning and design for the new hospital.

Multiplex brings extensive hospital construction experience, having successfully completed key health projects across Australia, including Canberra Hospital's Critical Services Building, greenfield developments, research facilities, and major site refurbishments.

As delivery partners, Multiplex takes a holistic approach, and welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with clients early in the design and planning phase to bring construction expertise to the table.

The new northside hospital will be delivered alongside the continued transformation of the Canberra Hospital campus through the Canberra Hospital Master Plan and development of community health infrastructure projects including the new South Tuggeranong, Inner South, North Gungahlin and West Belconnen Health Centres, the new health precinct in Watson and the Tuggeranong hydrotherapy pool.

These new and upgraded facilities will provide Canberra's growing community with access to services in modern and sustainable health settings.

The ACT Government and Multiplex will continue our strong collaboration with consumers, carers and the health workforce in designing high-quality hospital facilities as part of the Very Early Contractor Involvement contract, with the next phase of community consultation expected in mid-2025.

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