New Online Form for Surveyor Change or Termination

An application to terminate or change a building surveyor must now be completed using an online form.

We have improved how consumers and building surveyors engage with the regulator when ending the appointment of a private building surveyor, also known as a termination.

All submissions are now processed through an online form . The previous PDF forms will no longer be accepted.

The new online form will make the termination process easier for property owners, owner's agents and relevant building surveyors and reduce manual data handling by our teams.

This work is part of changes we are making to its digital systems to improve:

  • data quality
  • reduce bottlenecks
  • improve the consumer and practitioner experience

Property owners cannot terminate the appointment of a private building surveyor without our consent.

If a property owner wants to change a private building surveyor after they have been appointed, they need to obtain consent from us to terminate the appointment before another building surveyor can be appointed.

Alternatively, a private building surveyor can transfer their functions to another building surveyor with the agreement of all parties without our consent. This process is prompt, straight forward and preferable where possible.

Visit ending the appointment of a private building surveyor

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