New Online Hub Provides EDI Careers Advice And Support

Durham University

Careers EDi Hub, students and employees meeting around a table and meeting with a whiteboard in the background

Careers & Enterprise has launched a new, online 'EDI and your Career' hub, providing tailored careers information and support for students and graduates from diverse backgrounds.

The 'EDI and your Career' hub has been developed specifically to support students who may require additional help with career planning, navigating recruitment processes and preparing for the workplace. Advice is available on a wide range of topics, including how to build skills and experience, finding diversity-focused opportunities and exploring EDI-related careers

Bespoke careers information and support

The hub includes a new A-Z guide to careers terminology and language, and information on a broad range of careers-related topics such as;

  • EDI legislation, discrimination and recruitment processes
  • Inclusive employers and diversity-focused events and opportunities
  • Preparing for the workplace
  • Building a professional network
  • EmployAbility support for disabled and neurodivergent students and graduates
  • Financial support
  • Developing your skills and experience
  • EDI careers
  • Support for individual identities, circumstances and needs

Durham Students' Union support

Additional support for students is also available from Durham Students' Union, with nine associations that represent and provide support to students from particular backgrounds or identities. (e.g. mature students, estranged and care experienced students). There is also a broad range of student groups to engage with, such as faith, cultural and professional development groups, whose aims include building a supportive community, improving belonging and sharing inclusive learning opportunities.

Helping staff to help students

The 'EDI and your Career' hub is also a valuable resource for staff, enabling them to support students from diverse backgrounds with career, employment or self-employment-related questions. It will allow staff to signpost students to advice on a range of careers-related EDI issues, including identifying inclusive employers and building professional networks.

/Durham University Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.