New Online Training Launched To Help Combat Varroa Mite

Beekeepers have another tool at their disposal to fight Varroa mite with the roll-out of a new online training program.

Launched and developed by the National Varroa Mite Management Program (NVMMP), the 'Introduction to Varroa management' course takes beekeepers through a range of online topics that help them prepare for the bee-afflicting mite.

National Varroa Transition to Management (T2M) Coordinator Tamara Prentice said the online program provides beekeepers with critical information to manage the mite.

"Following the decision to transition to management of the mite in early 2024, the National Management Group agreed that widespread education and training was essential for industries to continue to move forward," Ms Prentice said.

"The Introduction to Varroa management course is a key component of our commitment to help beekeepers and the broader honey and pollination-dependent industries.

"The free online course allows beekeepers to learn about the mite at their own pace and convenience.

"Included are topics that will help beekeepers familiarise themselves with the pest and how best to safeguard their hives."

Subjects include mite monitoring and surveillance, cultural and mechanical controls, synthetic and non-synthetic chemical use, record-keeping, safety measures and more.

At the completion of the course beekeepers will have a greater understanding of the lifecycle of the mite, its effect on bees and colonies, and the importance of integrated pest management.

eekeeping will change as Varrroa spreads, with a greater need for record-keeping with mechanical and chemical controls.

Each topic can be typically completed in 15-30-minutes with beekeepers able to log back in at any time.

Ms Prentice said the 'Introduction to Varroa' course complemented existing training and education programs provided by the NVMMP.

"Another great resource we encourage beekeepers to take advantage of is our face-to-face Varroa Mite Management Workshops," Ms Prentice said.

"In twelve months more than 6,000 beekeepers have taken part in over 80 workshops across the country.

"This cohort of beekeepers trained manage more than 35 per cent of all registered hives nationally.

"But even beekeepers who have attended an in-person workshop will benefit from completing the online Introduction to Varroa course."

The NVMMP also provides beekeepers with regular electronic communications, online webinars and video learning resources.

To access the 'Introduction to Varroa' online course, visit -

To view all upcoming Varroa Mite Management Workshops, visit

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