New Park For Willis Street In Hampton

Do you like the idea of a small park at the site of the old Scout Hall in Willis Street Hampton?

With the new centralised community precinct, the Hampton Public Land Masterplan, still a few years away, we're looking into how best to use the land at 6A Willis Street now.

We've previously heard that the local community want more open spaces with opportunities for community connection in natural places. Now, we want to know if there's local support for using this patch of land for a pocket park.

The site is near the popular Hampton Street shopping strip and just a few doors down from the busy Hampton Community Centre, with plenty of public transport and parking nearby.

Shape the future of this space by sharing your thoughts and preferences for the site via Have Your Say or join us at one of our pop-up events on Hampton Street in April.

Consultation closes on 4 May 2025.

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