New Permit/Plug/Play Pilot for Vibrant Streets Unveiled

Georges River Council

Georges River Council can confirm that three Development Applications have been proposed as part of Transport for NSW's Vibrant Streets Package - Permit/Plug/Play (PPP) Pilot Program.

These have been proposed for Hurstville (DA2025/0043), Kogarah (DA2024/0560) and Carss Park (DA2024/0620).

This is the next step following a grant received under the initiative, which simplifies street-based event approvals in partnership with 17 Councils across NSW, including Georges River Council. The program aligns with Georges River Council's Events and Festivals Charter to create event-ready streets that support community activations.

The Development Applications propose a framework that allows cultural and corporate events to take place across the three locations, with a maximum potential of up to 52 events per year at each site over a five-year period. However, this does not mean that 52 events will be scheduled annually. Council has no intention of holding or permitting events at this frequency. Rather, the DA aims to simplify the approval process for future community and corporate events. Importantly, Council remains the determining authority for any event applications and will assess each request in accordance with its established policies and processes.

Georges River Council Mayor Elise Borg said, "Council remains committed to supporting our residents, community organisations and local businesses.

"We recognise that changes to our streets can raise concerns, and we want to assure our community that their voices will be heard.

"By participating in the feedback process, residents can help shape the future of our streets and local events. I encourage our community to submit their comments and have their say on the proposed Development Applications," added the Mayor.

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