New Plan Of Management For Neighbourhood Parks

Kiama Council

Old School Park Gerringong

Kiama Council is updating our Community Land Plan of Management for Neighbourhood Parks.

Council has over the past few years acquired 36 new parcels of community land that need to be added to the Plan of Management for Neighbourhood Parks.

We're also taking the opportunity to update the Plan of Management to cover all Parks, General Community Use and Natural Areas of community land in our municipality.

Community Land refers to property which Council retains for use by the general public and requires a plan of management identifying how it will be managed and used.

The updated Plan further breaks down community land as Natural Area, General Community Use as well as Park. This change is to provide clearer information for our community.

Park land is mainly for (non-sporting) recreational, social, educational and cultural pursuits.

Natural Area land includes bushlands, wetlands, escarpments, watercourses and foreshores.

General Community Use land can be used for any community purpose.

The updated Community Land Plan of Management is currently on public exhibition until Wednesday, 23 April 2025.

Make a submission

You can read the Plan and make a submission via our Your Say page.

Public Hearing

We're also hosting a public hearing on Thursday 10 April (5pm to 7pm) for you to ask questions and provide feedback (register now).

Community pop-ups

Chat to our staff face-to-face about the Plan at one of our community pop-ups:

  • Wednesday 7 May, 2pm to 5pm at Kiama Farmers Market
  • Thursday 8 May, 4pm to 6pm at Jamberoo IGA

Your submissions and feedback from our public exhibition and community pop-ups will be included in our final report to Council, before the new Plan of Management is finalised.

To read the Plan, make a submission or register for our public meeting, visit our website:

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