New Police Rapid Response Team To Tackle Youth Crime

NSW Nationals

Nationals Member for Oxley, Michael Kemp, has welcomed the announcement of a dedicated police rapid response team of 60 to tackle youth crime across NSW, including Kempsey.

Mr Kemp said the announcement of Operation Soteria represents a hard-fought win for Kempsey and regional NSW communities that have been crying out for action on juvenile crime.

"This is the result of relentless advocacy from our community who said enough is enough," Mr. Kemp said.

"For the last 12 months, I've been fighting for stronger bail and sentencing laws, real accountability in diversionary programs, and shutting down the social media pages that glorify crime.

"I've held community meetings in Crescent Head, South West Rocks, and Nambucca, and we brought the Regional Crime Inquiry to Kempsey, where the committee finally heard stories from victims.

"And just last month, 700 locals stood together in Kempsey for a major crime rally, demanding action."

Under Operation Soteria, police will target known repeat offenders, break up criminal networks, and provide intervention programs for first-time offenders, ensuring real consequences for crime.

Mr. Kemp recently met with the E-Safety Commissioner to demand the shutdown of the worst social media pages promoting crime in Kempsey.

"These 'boast and post' pages have been fuelling criminal behaviour and making heroes out of repeat offenders. They need to be shut down"

"We need to make sure this operation delivers real results. The government must strengthen bail laws. If you reoffend while on bail, you shouldn't get bail a second time. No more slaps on the wrist."

The initial phase of Operation Soteria will run for three months, with regular updates to community leaders and Mr. Kemp is hoping it will be a permanent police response.

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