New president takes office at University of Tübingen

[Translate to Englisch:] Der Amtswechsel ist nun offiziell vollzogen: Baden-Württembergs Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski (links) gratulierte der neuen Rektorin der Universität Tübingen, Professorin Karla Pollmann, und verabschiedete Professor Bernd Engler.

The Presidency of the University of Tübingen has been officially transferred. At a ceremony on Tuesday, the University bade farewell to Professor Bernd Engler after 16 years as President. His successor Professor Karla Pollmann was inaugurated as the first female President in the University's more than 500-year history. The new President was elected by the University Council and Senate in April 2022. Her term of office is six years.

Baden-Württemberg's Science Minister Petra Olschowski said: "Professor Karla Pollmann has a wide range of international experience in academic management and is a proven researcher. She brings with her an enormous diversity of perspectives, which is very valuable for further strengthening the University of Tübingen in national and international competition and for leading this University, which is rich in tradition, into a successful future. I am also very pleased that a woman has now been appointed to the top post for the first time in the University's more than 500-year history."

"Bernd Engler mastered the most important task of a university president over many years - enabling the best academic work," said Professor Matthias Kleiner in his address. Kleiner is a former president of the Leibniz Association and long-time colleague of Bernd Engler. "I hope that Karla Pollmann will be at least as successful in this role, following her own new paths beyond the footsteps of her predecessor."

Professor Engler headed the University from 2006. During his tenure, the University of Tübingen achieved excellence status in 2012 and successfully defended it in 2019. Engler wished the new president a successful term of office. He underlined the importance of support from the entire University as well as from friends and supporters. "For the next round of the Excellence Strategy, which begins in 2023, it is extremely important that the university moves forward resolutely and with united strength. I am certain that this can be achieved with you at the helm."

"Tübingen is a world-class university that has developed impressively under my predecessor. I will be well able to build upon that," said the new president, Professor Karla Pollmann. She said she has had many good conversations with committed people in her first few weeks in Tübingen, adding "I'm looking forward to an exciting time as we get to know each other even better, and I hope we can achieve great things together." Pollmann said that among the important tasks ahead were a successful continuation of the Excellence Initiative and, together with students, the further development of high-quality teaching.

"We look forward to working together in a spirit of trust and are convinced that with you as president, the University is well positioned to meet future challenges," said Bernhard Sibold, head of the University Board. He thanked the outgoing President for his tireless commitment and decisive leadership. With a clear vision and great commitment, Engler had made the University of Tübingen what it is today: "A university of excellence with cutting-edge research that enjoys worldwide prestige and academic renown," Sibold said.

Karla Pollmann was born in Tübingen, and was Professor of Classics and Theology and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bristol from 2018 to 2022.

You can find a detailed biography at

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