New Program Levels Playing Field for Women in Australia

Senator the Hon Murray Watt
Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher
Minister for Finance
Minister for Women
Minister for the Public Service

The Albanese Government is making workplaces safer, more respectful and more equitable for women, particularly for those working in traditionally male-dominated industries, with 11 new projects announced under the Advancing Gender Equality in Gender Segregated Industries program.

The workplace and industry-level initiatives will be led by peak organisations representing employers and workers, who will share in $16.9 million as part of the tripartite pilot.

Examples of successful projects include initiatives that will work directly with employers to ensure facilities support women's workforce participation, create industry-specific toolkits so employers can create flexible working arrangements, and conduct on-the-ground surveys and research to identify what change is needed.

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