New Recycling Hub to Slash Landfill Waste


City of Melton residents have a more convenient place to dispose of recyclable materials with the latest upgrades to the Melton Recycling Facility now complete.

A new Front End Resource Recovery centre, including drop-off points for reusable material and a revamped Resale Shop, is set to dramatically reduce the amount of waste diverted to landfill, while saving people money.

The Hon. Harriet Shing MP, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop, Minister for Housing and Building, Minister for Development Victoria and Precincts, Steve McGhie MP, State Member for Melton, City of Melton Mayor, Cr Steve Abboushi officially opened the new centre last week.

Council contributed over $10 million to the $13 million project, with the Victorian Government contributing $3 million from its Growing Suburbs Fund, along with $100,000 from Sustainability Victoria.

Part of Stage 2 of the Melton Recycling Facility redevelopment project, the new centre allows residents to drive up to the drop-off zone and dispose of recyclable items such as paint, batteries, engine oil, cardboard and more, free of charge.

Residents can also visit the Resale Shop, run by social enterprise Outlook Australia on behalf of Council, which has pre-loved furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac, books, toys, and more for residents to buy at affordable prices. Profits go directly to supporting individuals facing disadvantage, such as long-term unemployment or disability, providing opportunities for upskilling and meaningful employment.

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