Work is progressing well with Level two deck poured and Level three almost ready for the next concrete pour.

Construction works completed:
- Level 2 verticals (columns and core walls)
- Level 2 concrete deck poured
- Electrical substation energized
- Demolition of the Caravan Park Residences
Construction works commenced:
- Internal Sewer Infrastructure
- Loading dock vertical walls formwork and pour
Construction works coming up:
- Level 3 formwork and concrete pour
- Level 3 vertical formwork and concrete pour
Kane Constructions are employing staff, contractors and businesses from the region to work on the new art museum. The most recent interviewees were:
- Contract Administrator and Green Star professional, James Wimbridge from Shepparton
- Health and Safety Representative, Doug McDonald from Cobram
For the latest time lapse video, photos and update videos please visit the new SAM project webpage.
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