Queensland's new head of planning will focus on delivering housing for Queensland's booming population.
Deputy Premier Steven Miles, today announced Tess Pickering had been chosen as the new State Planner in the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning.
Ms Pickering is an experienced land use planner who has worked in private and public planning sectors in Queensland and Victoria.
For almost five years, Tess has worked in various executive roles at the Victorian Planning Authority and is currently their Executive Director of planning for Metropolitan Melbourne.She has also worked as a policy adviser in government and a private sector consultant.
In Victoria, Tess has been responsible for maintaining a pipeline of 15 years supply of zoned land for new communities across Melbourne. Tess also led the introduction of new standards for greenfields planning that focus on creating walkable 20-minute neighborhoods with greener and cooler streets and more diverse housing.
Mr Miles said Ms Pickering would bring experience, creative thinking and an ability to drive change to the role in Queensland.
"The decade ahead of Queensland will be one of change and growth," Mr Miles said.
"We need someone in this role who is looking ahead but acting now to seize the opportunities of growth.
"I'd like to welcome Ms Pickering to the role."
Ms Pickering said she was a proud planner having worked on projects like the Queensland Planning Act 2016, the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2017 and Victoria's new Precinct Structure Planning Guidelines 2021.
"I've never forgotten working at the Queensland Reconstruction Authority after the devastating natural disasters of the 2010/2011 summer," Ms Pickering said.
"Our work rebuilding communities like Grantham cemented for me that good planning is a powerful force in people's lives – a lesson I've taken with me to every job since.
"The task for all growing cities globally is to ensure that people continue to have affordable choices for places to live, work and play.
"Every time I come home to Queensland I can see the growthwhich has created more jobs, more opportunities and a growing, diversified economy.
"Our challenge as planners is to harness those benefits while maintaining Queensland's enviable lifestyle.
"I'm excited to come back to my home state with ideas, energy and a determination to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure Queensland remains a great place to live.
Mr Miles said he wanted to thank Chris Aston who had been acting in the role since earlier this year and had helped progress a range of initiatives, including helping frame the government's response to housing affordability.
Ms Pickering was selected by an independent panel. She will take up the role at the end of January.