New Streamlined Foreign Investment Framework Unveiled

Australian Treasury

New Treasury data shows that the Albanese Government's reforms to streamline and strengthen our foreign investment framework are already delivering results.

These reforms are all about attracting the investment our economy needs while protecting our national interest.

As part of the reforms, Treasury adopted a new performance target to process 50 per cent of proposals approved within 30 days.

While only formally in place from 1 January this year, the proportion of proposals approved within 30 days for the period from October to December 2024 has already jumped to over 50 per cent, more than double the rate when we came to office and up from 35 per cent in 2023-24.

These numbers are preliminary and might jump around a bit, but the data shows we are making meaningful progress on our foreign investment reforms.

We're making foreign investment decisions much faster where we can and we're being tougher where we need to be.

At the same time we are making the system more transparent and easier for investors to navigate.

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