New Study: Water Safety Books Boost Survival, Spurs Kids Program

Kids Alive

New community resources to ensure water safety education for all children

  • 29% of children only learn to swim during summer*
  • 39% of all drownings occur before Summer months**
  • Books proven to be effective for teaching children water safety principles
  • To ensure water safety education is accessible to all children Kids Alive has launched a new water safety education program Frog Squad

With only 51% of children learning to swim all year round*, and a notable drop off in lessons throughout the cooler months, a new reading centric program has launched nationally to ensure more children receive vital water safety education.

Recent research conducted by Kids Alive has proven the effectiveness of teaching water safety through books; 83% of people saying books helped them recognise potential dangers and 4 out of 5 parents saying it reinforced safe behaviours around water.*

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