New Sunshine Coast Plan Aims to Perfect Growth

Property Council Queensland Executive Director Jess Caire said progression towards a new planning scheme would provide a blueprint for the Sunshine Coast's future.

"Our members have indicated a strong interest in the progression of a new Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme for some time. Today's confirmation that it will soon be available to view and provide feedback on is good news for industry and the Sunshine Coast community.

"The ShapingSEQ Regional Plan outlines an expectation that the Sunshine Coast will increase its housing stock by 34,700 new dwellings by 2031, increasing to 84,000 by 2046. Those targets will only be met if there is a strong and clear planning framework to underpin where and how that new housing will be built.

Ms Caire also said a new planning scheme was essential to attract investment in other forms of property, including commercial office, hotels, retail and industrial.

"While there is often a lot of focus on housing within planning frameworks, they also provide the foundation for other vitally needed buildings and guide the coordination of new infrastructure delivery in the right places.

"The Property Council's Office Market Report from January showed that the Sunshine Coast had an office vacancy rate of just 4.3 per cent - among the lowest office vacancy rates in the nation.

"For the Sunshine Coast to remain a vibrant, thriving destination, it will be important to have the right combination of assets to secure the places and spaces that makes it a highly sought after location.

"We look forward to working with our members to assess what the draft Scheme looks like and provide appropriate feedback throughout the consultation process," Ms Caire said.

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