Department of Health
With the start of the Support at Home program on 1 July 2025, providers will continue to set their own prices for services as they have done for the Home Care Packages (HCP) Program. From 1 July 2026, Australian Government price caps will apply.
The price for a Support at Home service will reflect the entire cost of delivering that service, including package management, labour costs, transport, etc.
We have developed pricing guidance in consultation with in-home aged care providers, including a:
- Pricing guidance fact sheet for providers to consider when setting and publishing their Support at Home prices.
- Summary of indicative prices for providers to see how their prices compare with the rest of the market.
In preparation for Support at Home on 1 July 2025, providers will need to:
- discuss pricing changes with their HCP care recipients
- ensure care recipients will need to sign a new service agreement
- prepare to publish prices on their website and My Aged Care profile.
The government has put protections in place so that older people can be sure Support at Home prices are reasonable and transparent.
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