At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held last week, has resolved to accept a partnership proposal with Tesla Motors Australia, to provide six destination chargers for electric vehicles in Griffith.
The proposal was first presented to Council is March 2022 as part of an Increasing Resilience to Climate Change strategy.
Griffith Mayor, Councillor Doug Curran said the installation of these charges will further encourage Electric Vehicle (EV) Tourism in our City.
"In 2020 Council and Tesla entered into an agreement which saw two charging stations installed at the Griffith Visitor Information Centre carpark," said Councillor Curran.
"This new agreement will see an additional six stations installed by Tesla who will cover all costs as well as pay for the rental of the car spaces in accordance with Council's Revenue Policy.
"Those with electric cars can now have the confidence to place Griffith on their itineraries, assisting with growing our tourism market and injecting more funds into the local economy - research shows that EV use in tourism positively impacts the environment and enhances sustainability for economic and social development."
The supercharging stations will recharge an electric vehicle in approximately 30 minutes.
The partnership involves Tesla Motors supplying six destination chargers which will be available for public use, as well as covering the cost of installation and ensuring the maintenance and use of the chargers for a minimum of ten years.
Current projections indicate EVs will account for 58% of new car sales by 2040 (BNEF 2020). There is also set to be a major shift in EV ownership with more affordable models becoming available in Australia.