New Tools Aid Teachers in Classroom Management

The Hon Jason Clare MP
Minister for Education

The Albanese Labor Government is supporting teachers with a new range of free resources to help them manage classroom behaviour.

One in three teachers report losing teaching time due to disruptive behaviour, significantly impacting students' ability to learn.

Supporting teachers to minimise classroom disruption will result in a boost to student learning and teacher retention.

The new resources include tools on classroom management practices, coaching colleagues, and practice guides on supporting students with diverse learning needs.

This is the third set of 'Engaged Classrooms' resources developed by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) in consultation with teachers and classrooms management expert, Dr Tim McDonald.

The free resources released today will help teachers starting out, those working in new environments, and experienced teachers who want to refine or refresh their classroom management practice.

It complements the first set of resources focuses on helping teachers who want to refine or refresh their classroom management practice.

The second package focuses on a whole-of-school approach to help school leaders create safe and supportive learning environments to promote teaching and learning.

All resource materials are available now for free on AERO's website at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education Jason Clare:

"A lot of teachers tell me that when they leave university and jump into the classroom for the first time they don't feel as prepared as they should to manage a classroom full of students.

"By providing these resources to teachers we can help them to manage the classroom which is good for them and good for their students.

"When students are fully engaged in the classroom, they learn at their best and teachers have more time to teach."

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