New Vision for Sexual Violence Recovery in Victoria

Sexual Assault Services Victoria

From miniature ponies and trauma-informed dentistry to boxing, justice and art - this event explores the roads to recovery.

Sexual Violence: The Right to Recovery is a unique event bringing together world-leading academics, practitioners in the sexual assault services sector and other experts to explore what actually works in supporting survivors of sexual violence to recover and rebuild their lives. The soon to be sold-out event, convened by Victoria's peak body for sexual assault services, Sexual Assault Services Victoria (SASVic) takes place in Melbourne on Wednesday February 19.

Sexual violence is pervasive in our communities and the impacts are felt far and wide, with recent media coverage painting a damning picture of what survivors face after sexual violence. But recovery is possible.

"Victorian specialist sexual assault services have led the way for decades. They know what works for survivors, but an outdated funding model is standing in the way," says SASVic CEO Kathleen Maltzahn.

One-to-one specialist sexual violence counselling can be life-changing for many survivors. In new research commissioned by the Victorian Government and undertaken by SASVic in partnership with the University of Melbourne and Women with Disabilities Victoria, survivors say that understanding sexual violence as a 'symptom of an unequal society' can be 'transformative'. But recovery can also take a long time, and services aren't able to deliver the long-term counselling that's needed or the range of other non-traditional therapies they know would be valued by survivors.

Ms Maltzahn points to other models that can form an important part of someone's recovery including:

  • group therapy;
  • trauma-informed dental services;
  • equine therapy;
  • art therapy;
  • and even creative writing combined boxing lessons.

"The current funding model is too narrow and limits choice for survivors - there are groundbreaking programs ready to be rolled out across the state."

Highlights of Sexual Violence: The Right to Recovery include:

Discussion of The REACH Project which interviewed victim survivors and practitioners about what systems, interventions and services that aid people to recover. The research also focused on people with disability who are over-represented as victims but are at times poorly catered for by current services. (Interviews with researchers available.)

The potential of non-traditional therapies including equine therapy, art therapy, trauma-informed dental services and group boxing classes to complement one-to-one counselling. There will be a guest appearance by Ghost the miniature pony alongside Tama Green, Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner and practical demonstrations of boxing and art therapy. (Interviews with therapists and trauma-informed dentist Dr Sharonne Zaks available.)

How policing and the justice system aids recovery – or causes more trauma. (

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