New Warroo Bridge Construction Work Set To Start


The Minns Labor Government is investing more than $15 million to deliver a safer, stronger new Warroo Bridge in the NSW Central West with construction work set to start in March.

A new concrete bridge will be built just a few metres upstream from the existing 116-year-old bridge timber truss bridge which is located over the Lachlan River 46 kilometres west of Forbes and 55 kilometres south-east of Condobolin.

Warroo Bridge is a critical connector in the region as it is the only major crossing of the Lachlan River linking the Lachlan Valley Way to the Henry Parkes Way between these two towns.

The existing narrow bridge was built in 1909 and is not suitable for use by modern agricultural equipment or heavy vehicles with higher mass limit loads.

If the existing bridge is closed for maintenance, motorists face a 93-kilometre detour to travel from one side of the bridge to the other.

The Minns Labor Government is investing in construction of a new bridge that will be safer, more reliable and allow for more efficient transport, particularly for freight operators in regional NSW.

Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd will deliver the work on behalf of Transport for NSW, with work due to start on March 3. The new bridge is expected to be open to traffic in late 2026, weather permitting.

The existing Warroo Bridge will remain open to traffic throughout the construction of the replacement bridge and will be removed completely once the new bridge is operational.

Transport for NSW will continue to update the community as construction progresses. For more information on the project visit the website of Transport for NSW.

Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty said:

"This new Warroo Bridge over the Lachlan River is an important piece of infrastructure that will make life easier for farmers, businesses and families in the Central West.

"The new bridge will be safer and more reliable than the existing bridge that is now well over 100 years old.

"This sort of investment is part of the NSW Government's commitment to regional NSW and to driving jobs and investment across the state."

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:

"The Minns Labor Government is investing in the future of regional NSW by building better bridges that keep communities connected, improve safety and increase efficiency for freight operators.

"I'm excited to see construction start on the new Warroo Bridge which will have wider travel lanes and better road approaches, increased load capacity for heavy vehicles, and improved access for wide vehicles."

Independent Member for Orange Phil Donato said:

"It's great to see the contract for this project has been awarded and construction is on track to commence.

"Communities in our region rely on Warroo Bridge and when the new bridge is built it will make life so much easier for local residents and freight operators."

NSW Labor's Orange spokesperson Stephen Lawrence MLC said:

"The awarding of the contract to Abergeldie Contractors Pty Ltd to build the replacement Warroo Bridge is an important milestone in this project to improve transport efficiency and reliability in the Central West.

"When construction is complete the community will have a fantastic new asset the Minns Labor Government is proud to be delivering."

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