New Wellness Clinic Opens for Local Patients

  • Hon Matt Doocey

Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey today officially opened a new community wellness clinic in Lower Hutt that will better integrate the clinic's services into the community.

The clinic is primed to expand its service offerings, and currently caters to people receiving treatment. It offers an alternative to more clinical settings, with a more comfortable and therapeutic environment for clients with a kitchen space and a variety of activities - such as arts and crafts - to make use of while waiting.

"It's great to be here today at the opening of this new clinic and to see what a therapeutic environment it provides people using the services," Mr Doocey says.

"Having a space where people feel comfortable and safe is vitally important for their wellbeing, and I'm glad to see this in action for people getting support with their mental health challenges."

The clinic is a partnership between Health New Zealand's Community Mental Health service and PACT, an NGO that provides a broad range of support to people with mental health issues.

"The two agencies collaborated on scoping out and understanding how our communities would benefit from accessing services that welcome them in their treatment space," Mr Doocey says.

"This clinic sees that collaboration come to fruition and is a great example of how NGOs and clinical specialist services are working together to deliver care closer to the community for those who need it. It aligns with one of the Government's five mental health targets, specifically around 'Faster access to specialist mental health and addiction services'.

"The next steps are to replicate the clinic in other spaces around the country, ultimately with the intention of creating pleasant, convenient spaces and reducing barriers for people needing treatment. This will create better outcomes for them and their families, friends, loved ones, and communities, which is what we're all striving for."

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