Construction works are nearly complete for two new wetlands in Knoxfield, located in Gilbert Park and R.D. Egan Lee Reserve.
It is expected that the wetlands and upgraded carparks will be open to the public in April, weather permitting.
The new wetlands will enhance the parks by improving water quality and biodiversity, as well as supporting recreational activities.
Works at Gilbert Park includes a new viewing deck, when open visitors will be able to enjoy beautiful and elevated views.
The improvements to Gilbert Park cost $1.35 million and R.D. Egan Lee Reserve $1 million. Melbourne Water contributed $200,000 towards each project.
Community feedback from past community consultations helped shape the final designs for both wetland projects. This included the addition of safety fencing, locations of seating, and materials for viewing deck at Gilbert Park. The overall community response was supportive for the wetland development.
The wetlands are key initiatives in the Gilbert Park Masterplan 2017/18 and R.D. Egan Lee Reserve Masterplan, both endorsed by Council in 2018. The masterplans guide future improvements works for the sites. Most of the works have been completed since the Masterplan was endorsed.
Following the completion of the wetland, it will be open for locals and visitors to enjoy. Further information will be available in due course.
A community planting event will not be planned as initially communicated to provide quiet time for the newly planted vegetation and aquatic environment to get settled and established.
Construction photos of the new wetlands in Knoxfield

New wetland at Gilbert Park, Knoxfield.

Construction of the new wetland at Gilbert Park Knoxfield

Construction photo of the viewing deck at Gilbert Park, Knoxfield

New wetland at R.D. Egan Lee Reserve, Knoxfield.

Construction of the new wetland at Gilbert Park, Knoxfield.

Development of the new wetland at Gilbert Park Knoxfield.