The New Year heralds a significant step forward in Australia's transition to cleaner, cheaper-to-run cars with the introduction of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES), according to the Electric Vehicle Council. Starting from 1 January 2025, the NVES will bring a wider range of EVs and fuel-efficient petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles to Australian roads, as manufacturers are incentivised to offer their most efficient cars. Electric Vehicle Council, Head of Legal, Policy and Advocacy, Aman Gaur said: "The New Year ushers in new standards for new cars in Australia. From today, Australia officially moves away from being the world's dumping ground for outdated, high-emissions vehicles, and demands a greater range of cleaner, cheaper-to-run cars, vans and utes that are offered in the US and Europe. "The New Vehicle Efficiency Standard means Australia has a chance to finally catch up to other countries in the adoption of cleaner, more efficient cars including EVs. The NVES will lower our fuel bills, offer a wider choice of the latest, most fuel-efficient cars, and improve the air we breathe by reducing emissions. "The NVES is expected to accelerate Australia's growing interest in electric vehicles. 2024 was a record-breaking year for EVs in Australia with more than 100,000 new battery electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles sold, while car manufacturers brought in and announced plans for more low and zero-emissions models. With more choice and competitive pricing, EV uptake is set to grow further in Australia. "The first six months of the NVES is a period where the industry can adapt to the new standards and systems before the credit and penalty scheme is enforced from mid-year. It gives manufacturers more time to refine their strategies to bring in more low and zero-emissions vehicles and meet rising consumer demand. It's also a period for the government and regulator to further educate the sector and test their systems. "The New Vehicle Efficiency Standard is a crucial reform that will help Australians lower their driving costs and car emissions, as fuel prices rise and awareness of the health and environmental impacts of vehicle emissions grows."
New Year Brings Standard for Cleaner, Cheaper Driving
Electric Vehicle Council
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