New Zealand High Commission London Changes Leader

  • Rt Hon Winston Peters

Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the next step in the forthcoming leadership transition at the New Zealand High Commission in London.

"Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Chris Seed, will travel to London late next week to assume the role of New Zealand's Acting High Commissioner to London," Mr Peters says. "Mr Seed is one of New Zealand's most senior and accomplished diplomats."

Mr Seed has previously served as New Zealand High Commissioner to Canberra and Port Moresby.

Mr Peters acknowledged the contribution of outgoing High Commissioner, Phil Goff.

"As we indicated last week, while his comments made his position as New Zealand High Commissioner untenable, the decision to remove Mr Goff from London was nevertheless a very difficult one.

"Mr Goff has contributed significantly to the interests of our country over a long period of time.

"As a senior Minister with a range of domestic and internationally focused portfolios, Mayor of Auckland, and then as a diplomat, Mr Goff has dedicated his professional life to serving the New Zealand people. We continue to hold him in high esteem, and we wish him well."

Mr Goff is scheduled to depart London this weekend. The process for confirming the next New Zealand High Commissioner to London continues, with an announcement to be made in due course, once approval has been received from the UK Government.

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